
賀![水源寶育樹盆]再獲《crQlr 全球循環經濟設計獎》肯定!一起為地球固碳努力


近年來循環經濟理念與行動不斷受到關注、討論與行動,仁舟淨塑在全球循環經濟領域中也不缺席。今年crQlr Award 收到自全球24國超過200件致力於循環經濟的徵件中,仁舟[水源寶育樹盆]脫穎而出榮獲《crQlr 全球循環經濟設計獎》肯定,與國際共63位獲獎良品並列獲獎專案。


於本次獎項中仁舟水源寶育樹盆更一舉獲得三個獎項,包括Bio-Renewal Prize(生物革新獎)、Regeneration Award(再生創新獎)以及Pioneer Pot Prize(先鋒獎)。各領域的評審們也給予仁舟水寶盆的讚賞與肯定。

生物革新獎評審David Benjamin表示:「此作品以巧妙的設計方案解決重要的生態問題,運用優雅外型及簡易系統,其外型與功能之結合令人驚豔。更重要的是,此作品符合"與時共進"的概念,正面迎向改變豪不畏懼;平衡了現世需求,以及一年後甚至未來十年所需,繼而延伸至所有好設計應到達的領域。更甚者,水源寶育樹盆代表了令人期待的新作,延伸運用生物作用至人性創意中。我很期待看到此作品維持親民又低調的特性,同時也繼續量化;我在想是否能與地主、政府單位、非營利組織及企業合夥,或許能為彼此帶來共同目標與願景,現在就是最佳時機!」

"This project engages a critical ecological problem with an ingenious design solution. It involves an elegant product and system, employs a light touch, and combines form and function in a compelling way. Equally appealing—and more radical—is how the project applies “design with time,” inviting change rather than resisting it, balancing the needs of today, one year from now, and ten years in the future—and thereby expanding the boundaries of what all good design might be. In addition, the project suggests a new and exciting hybrid nature, harnessing biological systems and extending them through human creativity. I would love to see this project maintain its community-based and participatory nature while also scaling up. I wonder if it could include partnerships with local landowners, government ministries, non-profits, and corporations. Perhaps it could bring together these entities with a common purpose and vision. The time in now! "

Bio-Renewal Prize
David Benjamin


再生創新獎也代表了仁舟水源寶在循環再生經濟上的著力,並對海岸防護效益的肯定。再生創新獎評審Guillaume Charny-Brunet表示肯定:「低成本海岸防護措施,既兼顧循環,也創造再生。這項低技術且低成本的商品,有助於簡單且廣泛地複製案例;使用最常被回收利用的硬紙板,不難想見以此對抗全球沙漠化的問題。此作品的供應鏈垂直整合,及既有業務應用,展現其商業化的成功實績。」

「Low cost coastal protection idea that goes beyond circularity to regeneration. Applications for such low tech/ low cost products are broad and highly replicable. Cardboard and paper being the most recycled material, we could imagine developing tools for fighting desertification around the world. For this project the vertical integration of the supply chain and existing sales pipeline shows there must be a buisness case. I would like more information around cost of production, manufacturing process, durability, and current IP/pattent protection. 」

Regeneration Award
Guillaume Charny-Brunet



先鋒獎評審Willemijn de Iongh表示:「很高興能看到這項永續商品誕生,來保護台灣的沿海地區,這是很重要的志業!研究與發展對這項作品來說至關重要;必須測試、測試、再測試,以確保樹苗存活率及盆體分解情況。以Land Life Company為例,他們使用類似的產品,植樹時也面臨高溫、強風、囓齒動物及乾燥問題。若能將這套雛形系統,結合植樹知識,配合"在對的地點與時間,種適合的樹"之最高原則,那就太棒了。」

「Beautiful to see a sustainable tool build to restore Taiwan's coastal region, very important work! Research and development is key for this product. Test, test and test again to see what the survival rates and decomposition does in practice. For example, the Land Life Company works with a similar product and experienced a real need to protect seedlings from high irradiation, winds, rodents, and desiccation. In addition, great if this prototyping and learning approach can be combined with knowledge on planting trees which the rule of thumb is always: the right tree, in the right place at the right time. 」

Pioneer Pot Prize
Willemijn de Iongh






也受到慈心有機農業發展基金會、TOYOTA一車一樹計畫、友達永續基金會的肯定,將水寶盆運用到台灣海岸、山林植樹,為國土保育、地球固碳,在全球循環經濟的趨勢上,相信水源寶育樹盆能為環境帶來更多的助益。與此同時,今年亦榮獲《金點設計年度特別獎 循環設計獎》的肯定,仁舟團隊努力讓永續能落實於行動中。


關於 《crQlr 全球循環經濟設計獎》
crQlr Awards 是一個由全球創意網絡 Fabcafe 與設計顧問品牌 Loftwork 共同舉辦的全球性獎項,這個獎項的目標,是支持那些投身循環經濟理念,探索並打造未來社會樣貌的行動者與創新者,創造更大的影響力。