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  • 2024: Honored with the recognition as one of the top 100 quality cultural and creative brands of the year in Taiwan by [Taipei Classics].
  • 2022: Recognized again by Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs [Buying Power Social Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame]
  • 2021: BiotiCircular Fortune Planter (Water Storing Seeding Pot) received Japan's [crQlr Awards] International Award Recognition
  • 2021: Beeswax Food Wrap won the Golden Pin Design – ‘Best Design of the Year Award’ [Top Design in the Chinese-speaking world]
  • 2021: BiotiCircular Fortune Planter won the Golden Pin Design Annual Special Award – ‘Circular Design Award’ [Top Design in the Chinese-speaking world]
  • 2021: Recognized by Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs [Buying Power Social Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame]
  • 2020: Won the [SDA 2020 Taiwan Design Best 100] Award
  • 2020: Beeswax Food Wrap was selected as a collection for the "Red Dot Design Museum"
  • 2020: Won the〔British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, BCCT, Best Social Enterprise Award〕
  • 2020: Won the [Global Views Monthly Magazine Annual Social Enterprise Star Award]
  • 2020: Selected as "Taipei SElect" for the second time
  • 2019: BiotiCircular Fortune Planter obtained two patents from the Republic of China
  • 2019: Selected as "Taipei SElect"