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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
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❝ It carries the weight of your plastic-free lifestyle 

Easily stored in its round shell-design pouch,
the bag can carry up to 5kg when opened.
Get it dirty or wet? No problem!
Use a bit of water and detergent and it cleans easily.
Give up the plastic bags suffocating our oceans,
and pick up a Zenzhou Shell-Design Net Bag,
sturdy for your use, but gentle to the environment.
Make it a part of your commitment for a healthier planet.

It Bags, is best!

This 100% cotton hand-woven is
made with the spirit of craftsmanship.
Choose your favorite color to
make it a part of your individual fashion.
It’s simple, but can be used for almost anything,
both stylish and practical.
Turn the vegetable market into your runway
when you bring it shopping.
Pack it with your day to day items
when you go out, and turn heads on the street!

This feather-light bag stands up to a heavy load

The 40g Shell-Design Net Bag feels light as a feather
But with a carrying capacity of 5kg, it’s practical and effective

Take it with you and use it often,
And it will offer you endless plastic reduction opportunities!

Hand woven out of pure cotton, each one is unique

Fashionable and simple, woven from pure cotton, displaying warmth and careful design,
Four colors to choose from, it can go with you anywhere,
and be used to carry anything you can think of.
It embodies a “good for the environment, and good for me” lifestyle and mentality.

Whatever you put in it,
it carries the spirit and style of cultured youth!






It carries the weight of your plastic-free lifestyle

Fashionable and eco-friendly, simple and endlessly useful,
Hand-woven, with a carrying capacity of 5 kg
With this product, say goodbye to the plastic bags suffocating our oceans!

Here to buy

Photo Gallery: the Low-plastic Lifestyle



  • Place in a washing bag before machine washing.
  • Avoid contact with sharp objects
  • It is recommended to store the bag carefully after use, both for convenience of subsequent use and to avoid being damaged.

Copyright Zen Zhou Co.,ltd. All Rights Reserved.